Download free ffDiaporama Create Video with Photos and Movie Clips
ffDiaporama is a free video slideshow making application to create video sequences consisting of titles, fixed or animated, images or photos, movie clips, sound and music. These sequences are assembled into a slide show by means of transitions to produce complete videos. ffDiaporama is very easy to use and the interface feels as intuitive as it can get for for a software. All of the functions revealed themselves as work progressed.
Animation, Effect and Video Editing
With ffDiaporama you can cut of video clips, reframe of images and photos, Adding text, notes to images, photos, sequences and animations. ffDiaporama allows you to create animation by zoom, rotation or Ken Burns Effect on images or photos and add transitions between sequences with definition of the transition type, sequence by sequence.
You will be able to add graphical filters like conversion into black and white, dust removal, equalization of colors on the images and the videos. Add correction of the images and the videos during animations (luminosity, contrast, gamma, colors, etc.) Generation of videos usable on most current video equipment (DVD player/smartphone, multimedia box, hard drive, etc.) but also publishable on the main video-sharing Websites (YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.)
Download free ffDiaporama.
ffDiaporama file size 35.7MB.
ffDiaporama Website
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